A step towards real fitness
RealfitMe makes fitness fun with just one click
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Why join RealfitMe?
Personalized walkathons
Intuitive & refreshing statistics
Simple progress tracking
Beautiful, fun & easy to use
Reconnect & stay fit with your friends using
RealfitMe Walkathons
Daily Progress
Keep a tab on your daily progress with intuitive & refreshing statistics & design
Participant Contributions
See the contribution of other participants in the form of streaks, ranking by steps in 24 hours, 7 days, and overall ranking.
Detailed History
See a detailed history of your steps on each day since you joined us!
Our Mission
RealfitMe is a platform to help achieve fitness in a digitally connected & physically distributed world & bring back the fun of doing things together. We want to reconnect you with your friends & colleagues & help you stay fit. Fitness is not a solo journey & as a team, we can achieve sustainable lifestyle changes.
We choose purple & orange as our primary colours to emphasize our goal to make you healthier mentally & physically, to take a step every day from dusk till dawn.